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7 reasons why daily exercise is your best friend

NP w-stethoscopeThis title is a bit misleading. It minimizes the tremendous impact that exercise, or the lack of it, can have on your health. In truth, there are many more than 7 reasons. It would be impossible for anyone to list all the benefits of daily exercise. Even with the technology of our modern world, we do not understanding all the miracles of the human body. The truths we do understand, however, show that daily exercise is crucial for maintaining an optimally health body.

Behind each benefit gained from exercising, there is a physiologic process going on in the body. The human body was designed to create and sustain life, and if we take care of it, it can serve us well. It’s truly 2361amazing to me that exercise affects every cell of the body. It can extend the length of your life. It creates more ATP (energy) because of the mitochondrial cells that are produced when you exercise. Exercise helps your body eliminate toxins. It increases your metabolism. Exercise decreases your risk of cancer and other health problems. It makes you look better – pink cheeks, healthier skin, increased flexibility, and movements that are more fluid. Exercise makes you look younger. Morning exercise resets your cortisol level. It decreases feelings of stress. It decreases fat. Exercise increases lean muscle. Exercise promotes heart health – the heart is a muscle. Exercise makes you feel better. It improves your mood by increasing your levels of serotonin. Exercise helps with regularity and the health of your digestive system. It helps you sleep better. Exercise stimulates and improves brain function, thus improving your memory. It increases your creativity. When you exercise outside, it creates a connection to the earth and the beauties of nature. Exercise provides social interaction with other people.

In my next post I’ll expand on one (1) of the following reasons why exercise is your best friend:

1)         Exercise promotes heart health

2)         Exercise increases lean muscle

3)         Exercise decreases fat

4)         Exercise improves your mood (creativity, motivation, enjoyment of life)

5)         Exercise helps you sleep better

6)         Exercise increases your energy

7)         Exercise makes you look better (complexion, move easier, toned)

8)         What benefits have you personally experienced from exercising?

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